Irmãs Franciscanas Bernardinas
Uma Congregação Internacional de Religiosas

Social Justice, Peace and Earth Care

...Striving for a more just and peaceful means of existence in the world.

As Bernardine Franciscan Sisters, we ascribe to Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation.

The pursuit of Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation (JPIC) is one of the chief priorities of the Franciscans and flows naturally from the life of St. Francis and the Franciscan movement that he inspired in pursuit of the Gospel Life.

Francis’s love of Jesus inspired him to public preaching, and to take on the concerns of others. He reached out to the leper, the poor, and the marginalized, recognizing Christ’s presence in them. He proclaimed God’s love and peace, actively fostering reconciliation between warring parties. In all of creation, he perceived God’s love and beauty. His life was marked by intense religious experiences, which drew him deeper into the mystery of God. Francis made the message of God’s love understandable to ordinary people.

In the book Francis of Assisi: A Model for Human Liberation, Leonardo Boff gives a great deal of insight on how “some aspects of [Francis’] life make him particularly relevant for our times.” Among these traits is Francis’ “living out of universal kinship,” one that Boff views as particularly “crucial today when all cultures and religions encounter one another and can generate con-flict and even war, due to lack of dialogue and true encounter.”

From Francis and the early friars, with their simple greeting of “Pace e Bene” (Peace and All Good) up to our current days, Franciscans have held the title “heralds of peace.” The violence of our world and the shattered lives of so many continue to cry out simply for peace. Franciscans and Franciscan-hearted people are needed more than ever to be entry points of God’s healing peace. - US Franciscans

Issues We Care About

We therefore support efforts for global peace and work toward reconciliation, advocating those changes, which promote justice.
  • Private Prison Corporations 
  • Immigrant Dignity
  • Human Trafficking - Modern Slavery
  • Violence Against Women Act
  • Health Care
  • Gospel Living
  • Carbon Footprint
  • Immigration Reform
  • Catholic Climate Covenant
  • Catholic Social Teaching
  • The Safety and Wellbeing of All
Bernardine Sisters Protest Berks County Detention Center 

Once a month members from the Interfaith Witness meet at the Berks County Detention Center to protest its existence. Sisters Roberta Ann Leskey, Maria Bartos, Joelle Mrozoski, and Cara Garofalo participated in this event on May 19, 2019.

Bernardine Franciscan Sisters Response to the US Administration's Policy on Immigration at the Border

DATE: JUNE 25, 2018


READING, PENNSYLVANIA – The Bernardine Franciscan Sisters are heartbroken and horrified by the recent actions of our country’s government to separate babies and children from mothers and fathers at the U.S. Mexico border. We join our voices with millions of concerned citizens around the world who see this as a violation of basic human rights, a founding principle of our democracy. We stand with our Holy Father Pope Francis, and the Catholic clergy, men and women religious, and people of good conscience in the United States in condemning this violation of international law, and we pray that the implementation of any policies that separate youth from their families be revoked immediately.

We are grateful to our Diocese of Allentown Bishop Alfred A. Schlert for his recent statement that appeared on the first page of the Reading Eagle: Diocese condemns separating families. The debate is no longer about zero-tolerance immigration policy, but about “human dignity and doing the right thing for innocent children, about the sanctity of the human family and the integrity of the moral compass of our country and its people.” Let us, as consecrated Franciscan women called to live the Gospel, pray for an end to this terrible situation, and take action on behalf of the poor and defenseless in society by calling our senators and representatives and demanding justice and mercy.

“Who Is My Neighbor in a Climate Threatened World?”

2018 Feast of St. Francis Program - 
By Catholic Climate Covenant
415 Michigan Ave NE
Suite 260
Washington, District of Columbia 20017
(202) 756-5545
Contact: Paz Artaza-Regan

Every October 4th, the Feast of St. Francis (FOSF) celebrates the saint who saw all created beings as his brother or sister. Inspired by this ex- ample, Catholic Climate Covenant produced a free 90-minute catechetical program to help parishes, schools, and faith communities explore how they can better care for creation and the poor. Please know the Feast of St. Francis Program can be used on October 4th or any date of your choosing.

To access the full program, please download the following:
1) Facilitator Guide - Includes all the instructions, scripts, links, and materials you or another facilitator will need for a successful 90-minute Feast of St. Francis program.
2) Participant Program Guide - Includes everything that a participant will need – readings, prayers, meditation guide, and discussion questions. This is the printable version of the program.
3) A Further Information and Action Resource: We have compiled a list of resources on climate change and migration/refugees for further study and action. Each participant should be given a copy to take home.
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