In our Community, the novitiate is a two-year period of intense initial formation. The twelve-month canonical phase provides the novice with an opportunity to deepen her relationship with Christ and the Church and imbue her with the spirit and charism of the congregation.
The programs include the following: guidance in prayer life; the study of Scripture, Liturgy, Church teachings; instruction in the vowed life; integration of the charisms of St. Francis, St. Clare, St. Bernardine and Mother Veronica and the study of the Rule, Constitutions and Directives of the Bernardine Franciscan Sisters.
During the ministerial year of the novitiate, the novice has the opportunity to live for short time periods in other local fraternities of the congregation and to engage in active ministries. The novice strives to integrate the Gospel and Franciscan values of justice, peace, and the care of creation into her life and service.
At the end of the novitiate, the novice makes a public profession of the evangelical counsels according to the Rite of profession.
Sister Joanne Mary Kotwicki, Novice Minister.
L EVEL OF FORMATION FOUR: LIVING AS A Temporary Professed Sister in our Community.
Temporary Profession is a three to five year formation period. This phase provides the sister with an opportunity to deepen her relationship with Christ and the Church and imbue her with the spirit and charism of the congregation while living in fraternity in mission.
The programs include the following: guidance in prayer life; the study of Scripture, Liturgy, Church teachings; continued enrichment in the vowed life; integration of the charisms of St. Francis, St. Clare, St. Bernardine and Mother Veronica and continued study of the Rule, Constitutions and Directives of the Bernardine Franciscan Sisters.
At the end of each year, the Temporary Professed Sister undergoes a period of self-evaluation and evaluation by the Local Fraternity.
Sister Rosemary Stets is Formation Director for Temporary Profession.